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  • Cantonal Court in Livno

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    born on 9th August 1962 in Livno
    former typist of the Cantonal Court in Livno

    Elementary school she completed in Livno, at OŠ "10. Oktobar".
    She completed high school of chemistry in Tomislavgrad.

    from 1st October 1982 – 1st January 1997 she worked at Municipal Court in Livno.
    from 1st January 1997 
    – 4th January 2023 she worked at Cantonal Court in Livno.

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    born on 9th August 1962 in Livno
    former typist of the Cantonal Court in Livno

    Elementary school she completed in Livno, at OŠ "10. Oktobar".
    She completed high school of chemistry in Tomislavgrad.

    from 1st October 1982 – 1st January 1997 she worked at Municipal Court in Livno.
    from 1st January 1997 
    – 4th January 2023 she worked at Cantonal Court in Livno.