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  • Cantonal Court in Livno

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    born on 20th November 1939 in Livno

    By the decision of the Herzegbosnian County Assembly no. 01-13/97 of 29th May 1997, she was appointed as a judge of the County Court in Livno. After taking the oath before the President of the Herzegbosnian County Assembly, she took up her duties.

    At the session held on 26th January 2004, the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina made a decision on the appointment of the president and judges of the Municipal Court in Livno and the determination of the date of commencement of court work, appointing her as a judge of the Municipal Court in Livno, where she worked until retirement in 2009.

    She died on 11th January 2020.

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    born on 20th November 1939 in Livno

    By the decision of the Herzegbosnian County Assembly no. 01-13/97 of 29th May 1997, she was appointed as a judge of the County Court in Livno. After taking the oath before the President of the Herzegbosnian County Assembly, she took up her duties.

    At the session held on 26th January 2004, the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina made a decision on the appointment of the president and judges of the Municipal Court in Livno and the determination of the date of commencement of court work, appointing her as a judge of the Municipal Court in Livno, where she worked until retirement in 2009.

    She died on 11th January 2020.